2024 Sun Yat-Sen University Scholarship For International Students

Sun Yat-Sen University Scholarship

2024 Sun Yat-Sen University Scholarship For International Students

In the year 2024, Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) takes a significant stride in its commitment to global education by unveiling a diverse range of scholarships tailored for international students pursuing Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. programs.

These scholarships not only provide crucial financial assistance but also aim to facilitate cultural exchange creating an enriched academic environment for students hailing from various corners of the globe.

About Sun Yat-sen University

Established in 1924, Sun Yat-sen University stands as a prestigious institution nestled in the heart of Guangzhou, China. Named after Dr. Sun Yat-sen, a revolutionary leader and the founding father of the Republic of China, SYSU holds a distinguished position in Chinese higher education.


The university’s commitment to academic excellence is evident in its dynamic learning environment that seamlessly blends tradition with innovation. SYSU’s educational offerings span diverse disciplines attracting students globally to engage in high quality research and academic pursuits.

SYSU prides itself on being a beacon of global engagement emphasizing international collaboration and cultural exchange. This commitment is reflected in the university’s array of scholarship programs designed to cater to students at various academic levels. These scholarships not only alleviate financial burdens but also underscore SYSU’s dedication to fostering a multicultural and inclusive academic community.

As a hub of knowledge and innovation, SYSU significantly contributes to advancements in science, technology and humanities solidifying its role as a vital player in China’s academic landscape.


With a rich history, unwavering commitment to academic excellence and a global perspective, Sun Yat-sen University remains a sought after destination for students aspiring to pursue higher education in a vibrant and intellectually stimulating environment. SYSU’s legacy of producing influential graduates and its continuous efforts to elevate education standards make it a key player in shaping the future of higher learning in China and beyond.

Degree Level and Available Subjects

The Sun Yat-sen University Scholarships 2024 cater to Bachelor, Master’s and Ph.D. level programs across all subjects.

Scholarship Benefits

Sun Yat-sen University offers a variety of scholarships each presenting unique benefits for aspiring scholars:

  1. “Belt and Road” Scholarship 2024 (Bachelor’s Degree):
    • Application Deadline: April 30th, 2024
    • Target Applicants: High school graduates from ASEAN countries, South Africa and Belt and Road initiative regions.
    • Benefits: Tuition fee waiver and an annual living expense subsidy of RMB 30,000.
    • Application Process: Register and apply via Sun Yat-sen University’s International Student Management System.
  2. “China Studies Program (CSP)” Ph.D. Fellowships:
    • Application Deadline: February 28th, 2024
    • Coverage: Tuition fees, living and research stipends and international travel expenses.
    • Application Process: Apply online on both the CSP website and SYSU’s Office of International Students’ Affairs.
    • Must Check More Fully Funded Chinese Government Scholarships 2024-25 here.
  3. Chinese Government Scholarship “High Level Graduate” Program 2024:
    • Application Deadline: February 15, 2024
    • Scholarship Coverage: Tuition, accommodation, living allowance and comprehensive medical insurance.
    • Application Process:
      • Apply for Sun Yat-sen University CSC scholarship through the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System (Select Type: B; and add Agency No. of SYSU: 10558).
      • Apply on SYSU’s application system.
  4. SYSU Youth of Excellence Scheme of China Program 2024:
    • Application Deadline: March 15, 2024
    • Target Program: Master of Public Administration.
    • Benefits: Full scholarship coverage.
    • Application Process: Apply through the China Scholarship Council website and Sun Yat-sen University’s application portal.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria vary with each scholarship covering diverse academic backgrounds and regions. Applicants are evaluated based on factors such as academic potential, financial need, leadership qualities and commitment to community engagement.

Eligible Nationalities: These scholarships are open to international students of all nationalities.

Application Procedure

For detailed information on each scholarship and comprehensive application procedures, prospective applicants are encouraged to refer to the official notices and application portals provided. Embracing the opportunity to pursue academic aspirations at Sun Yat-sen University through these prestigious scholarships opens doors to a transformative educational experience.


Sun Yat-sen University Scholarships 2024 represent more than just financial assistance; they signify a commitment to fostering a global community of scholars driven by excellence and a shared passion for knowledge.

SYSU’s dedication to providing opportunities for international students aligns with its vision of becoming a hub for global leaders. Aspiring scholars are encouraged to seize the chance to be part of SYSU’s legacy where academic excellence meets cultural exchange, shaping future leaders who will contribute significantly to the ever evolving landscape of global education.

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