Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Computer Science Across Europe

Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Computer Science Across Europe

Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Computer Science Across Europe

For aspiring computer scientists with eyes on the European horizon, the prospect of a funded PhD program can be both thrilling and daunting. Unraveling the complexities of research while navigating the intricate scholarship landscape feels like a challenging algorithm itself.

But fear not scholars! In this well put together article, i will crack the code on fully funded PhD scholarships in computer science across Europe which will empower you to embark on your research journey with confidence.

Europe offers a vibrant and diverse landscape for computer science research boasting world renowned universities, cutting edge labs and a collaborative research environment. From Germany’s deep learning expertise to Scandinavia’s human computer interaction focus, Europe offers a spectrum of specializations to match your research interests.


Moreover, many European countries prioritize research and development leading to a multitude of scholarship opportunities aimed at attracting top talent.

Navigating the scholarship landscape can seem overwhelming but this is actually where my team and i come in.

Here’s a breakdown of the key funding opportunities including specific institutions.


University Funding

    • Germany:
      • ETH Zurich: Excellence Scholarships and Doctoral Grants for outstanding international students.
      • Technical University of Munich: TUM Graduate School Scholarship program for top international PhD candidates.
      • University of Bonn: Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics (BIGS) scholarships for PhD students in computer science and related fields.
      • Freie Universität Berlin: The Dahlem Doctoral Program supports outstanding PhD students in various disciplines including computer science.
    • UK:
      • Imperial College London: President’s Global Excellence Scholarships for exceptional international PhD students.
      • University of Cambridge: Gates Cambridge Scholarships for international PhD students from outside the UK.
      • University of Edinburgh: The Data Science Scholarship program for PhD students focusing on data science and artificial intelligence.
      • University College London: The Alan Turing Institute PhD Studentship program for research in artificial intelligence and data science.
    • Switzerland:
      • École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL): EPFL Doctoral Fellowships for outstanding international PhD candidates in various fields.
      • University of Geneva: International Joint PhD Program in Computer Science with Carnegie Mellon University.
    • France:
      • Sorbonne University: Eiffel Excellence Scholarship program for international PhD students.
      • École Normale Supérieure (ENS): International PhD Fellowship program for outstanding students in various disciplines including computer science.
      • University of Grenoble Alpes: The Labex DigiCoste PhD fellowship program for research in digital humanities and computer science.
    • Netherlands:
      • University of Amsterdam: Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship program for outstanding international PhD students.
      • Delft University of Technology: TU Delft Excellence Scholarship program for top international master’s graduates pursuing a PhD.
      • University of Twente: The Top Master Scholarship program for exceptional students admitted to a PhD program at the university.

National Funding Agencies

    • Germany: DAAD Research Scholarships for PhD students from all countries.
    • France: ANR Doctoral Research Grants for international PhD candidates in specific research areas.
    • UK: EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnerships program funding PhD studentships in various science and engineering disciplines which includes computer science.
    • Netherlands: NWO Rubicon and Veni grants for talented researchers, including PhD candidates.
    • Italy: MIUR Excellence Grants for international PhD students at Italian universities.
    • Sweden: Swedish Institute for Research Grants for international PhD students from outside the EU/EEA.

EU Funding Programs

    • Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions: Funds innovative PhD research projects and international mobility for researchers.
    • Horizon Europe: Supports collaborative research and innovation projects including opportunities for PhD candidates.
    • Erasmus+ Joint Doctorate programs: Offer joint PhD degrees from universities in different European countries.

Industry Sponsored Scholarships

    • Facebook AI Research: PhD Fellowships in specific research areas like natural language processing and computer vision (various European locations).
    • DeepMind (UK): Graduate Studentships for PhD research aligned with their AI research interests.
    • SAP (Germany): PhD scholarships in collaboration with various universities which  focuses on areas like data science and machine learning.
    • Amazon Web Services (AWS): PhD Fellowships supporting research in areas relevant to AWS technologies and services.

While funding is crucial, remember that it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Here are some additional tips to optimize your scholarship hunt:

Start Early: Begin researching and contacting potential supervisors well in advance, ideally a year before your desired start date. This allows for building relationships tailoring your application to specific projects and understanding funding opportunities within the research group.

Craft a Compelling Application: Tailor your application materials to each program highlighting your academic achievements, research experience and specific interests within the field. Go beyond just listing your skills and qualifications; showcase your passion, potential and alignment with the research group’s focus.


Don’t hesitate to reach out to professors or researchers at your target institutions for guidance and advice on tailoring your application.

Network, Network, Network: Attend conferences, workshops and online forums related to your research interests. Connect with researchers online through platforms like LinkedIn and ResearchGate. Leverage your academic network to uncover hidden opportunities and gain insights into specific programs and funding possibilities.

Participate in summer research programs or internships at European universities to gain firsthand experience and build relationships with potential supervisors.


Embrace Diverse Possibilities: Consider expanding your search beyond well known universities and English speaking countries. Many European universities offer PhD programs in English and exploring them can open doors to unique research opportunities and cultural experiences.

Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and explore programs in countries with strengths in your specific research area.

Now let’s dive into some valuable resources to kickstart your scholarship hunt:

  • FindAPhD: This platform showcases PhD opportunities across various disciplines including computer science, with filters for funded programs and specific countries within Europe.
  • EURAXESS: This EU-funded initiative provides support and information for researchers across Europe including a portal listing PhD funding opportunities.
  • Scholarship Databases: Websites like ScholarshipDB and Studyportals offer comprehensive databases of scholarships including those specifically targeted towards computer science in Europe.
  • University Websites: Each university with a computer science PhD program usually has a dedicated webpage detailing their scholarship opportunities and application processes. Check the websites of your target institutions thoroughly.
  • National Funding Agency Websites: The official websites of national funding agencies like DAAD, ANR and EPSRC list their available PhD scholarships and application deadlines.
  • EU Funding Program Websites: The websites of Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions and Horizon Europe provide detailed information on their funding opportunities for PhD research.

Securing a fully funded PhD scholarship requires dedication, strategic planning and unwavering perseverance. But with the right approach, resourceful exploration and a compelling application, you can unlock the door to an enriching and transformative research journey.

Remember, the future of innovation awaits those who dare to crack the code. So start your quest today and pave the way for your groundbreaking contribution to the ever evolving world of computer science!

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